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Sweetheart, that's rape... You are the victim, you didn't consent to having sex with them. No matter what situation you put yourself in, you DIDN'T consent to that! I'm sick of these comments bringing up that fact that you drunk and whether or not your ex was there. That's like saying you deserve to get shot at school, just because you decided to g......   reply
18 08,2024
Yes!   reply
18 08,2024
This is something you should tell ur partner? things like these should be discussed one on one no matter how much advice you get from others. talk it over with THEM. Keeping something like this from them is horrible DOING THAT is horrible but yk that   reply
18 08,2024
If you gotta ask then you alr know...   2 reply
18 08,2024
What in the toxic yaoi manhwa shit is this   reply
18 08,2024   1 reply
18 08,2024
Yeah that’s cheating. You legit got it to SEX….okay..kissing can be a mistake, and your bf forgives you that because he truly likes you. Maybe even love at this point, but now you’re saying that you mistook your ex for your bf…okay….got into sex….freak no?! Bro if you feel guilty then at least tell your bf, don’t just be asking us lik......   4 reply
18 08,2024
Holy shit girl I am so sorry that this happened to you. I know that this is scary and overwhelming and confusing. I want you to know this isn’t your fault. You didn’t let down your boyfriend, you legitimately weren’t in the mindset to consent. Both that you were drunk, AND because you literally thought you were consenting to a different perso......   reply
18 08,2024
this truly made me reflect on something.. I’ve realized that if my boyfriend had told me this, I wouldn’t have believed him and would have broken up with him. If my girlfriend had told me she did it with her ex (a man) and that it was an honest mistake, I would have believed her and forgiven her. but if she had done it with another woman, I wou......   reply
29 days
Tell ur bf. You'd rather him find it out now than later from someone else. However you look at it, ur bf is the victim here. He deserves to know what you did atleast. U fucked up, whether it's a mistake or not. He'll probably forgive u and understand u, but maybe he won't. Either way, he will find it someday and it will break his heart. It's so har......   2 reply
18 08,2024


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