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girl u got sa’d… your ex had sex with you while you were blackout drunk… you could not consent to that… i think if ur bf is worth it he would understand   2 reply
24 days
what is wrong w the ppl in the comments. you got raped. you were black out drunk and taken advantage of. thats rape. it doesnt matter that it was someone other than ur bf. its rape. so no you didnt cheat. you, in the moment, thought it was ur bf. u were black out drunk. if ur gonna tell ur bf, please please please tell him how insanely drunk u were......   7 reply
24 days
genuinely so confused by the comments here saying that you cheated... but you were literally black out drunk, how could you have properly consented to sex? depending on how drunk and aware your ex was that can also be considered sa. am i just missing smth cuz imo u didn't cheat?   3 reply
24 days
Pls stop drinking   2 reply
24 days
Hire a prostitute for your bf to make it even. Get him some alcohol too   5 reply
24 days
pooks no, it isn't. you got sa'd/rped, also, please stop drinking. it is your obsessive ex fault since he went along with it. nothing is your fault. i'm sure your bf would understand the situation your in. again, make sure to not drink that much. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
24 days
Its clear the yaoi has started to rot your brains- you got sa'd and if your bf does not understand then that's a HIM problem and you should move on, ex knew you were with someone and continued whilst you were blackout drunk(he's a shitty person - just don't associate with him)   2 reply
24 days
All the people blaming op and saying they cheated and hack even going as far as to say they wanted it are weird af like bro was literally sa/raped you'll need to stop reading bl and thinking victim blaming is normal/ok like you're basically saying "oh they didn't stop them they must've wanted it"   4 reply
24 days
All the people saying that u cheated r insane… you were blackout drunk and couldn’t tell the difference between your ex and boyfriend, you couldn’t have given consent and your ex literally took advantage of you. I think you should tell your bf and it’ll be understandable if he gets a little upset (you did kinda keep this from him) but if h......   reply
24 days
Bitch . That's cheating.   6 reply
24 days


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