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next time keep this in the drafts or put it in your notebook app cause none of us needed to know this   reply
26 days
calm down jamal   1 reply
26 days
Can somebody come get their fetus, because they obviously aren't ready for the world yet   1 reply
26 days
look it's the ragebait acc again. it's so desperate for attention it's foaming at the mouth.   reply
26 days
Listen here you toe-eyed cabbage, i wasnt born into this world so your fat ass could choke out low level insults at me. I hope you stub your toe in the dark and have to crawl around your bedroom at 3:47am in horrific pain after going to the kitchen for a midnight snack of cheese and crackers you absolute gormless minger   2 reply
25 days
idk what to say but this what chatGPT SAID It seems like you're experiencing a lot of intense emotions, and I understand that sometimes venting can be helpful. However, it's important to consider how you express these feelings, especially if you're sharing them with others. The language and sentiments here are quite strong and may not be well-rec......   reply
26 days
Man, y'all need to buy a diary or something   reply
25 days
fatherless behaviour   1 reply
26 days
This is scary, I think you slipped into German in number 8   reply
26 days


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