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i personally find the 54321 method effective. name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. it has helped me not only distract my brain from thinking its in life threatening danger but also grounds me by making me aware of reality and my surroundings.   1 reply
26 days
I'm so sorry that happened and hope you feel better soon. There's this relaxation technique called autogenic training. Try it out, it did wonders for me! Hope this helps.   reply
26 days
aw im so sorry that happened to you. panic attacks can be so scary. what i do when i experience one is sit up and feel my heart beat. try focusing on making it slow down by taking deep and slow breaths. i hope this helps you like it does me   reply
26 days
Trying to take deep breaths for me never works, so instead I hold my breath as if I'm swallowing the air. Whoever says to "just breath," you can take an exit and never come back. Also, really sour things are effective if you have the ability to put one in your mouth. I like those American toxic waste and warheads, snaps me right back. Anything with......   reply
26 days
Agree 100% with this. I used to have 3/4 pânico attacks per day a few months ago (I am on treatment for anxiety and depression now and it stopped), and I used to do the 54321 method and just remind myself that it was a "trick" and I was safe and okay. I strongly recommend therapy and if gets worse, go to a psychiatrist if it gets worst.   reply
26 days


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