127 127 2024-08-15 18:58:45 About question


Vocrap August 25, 2024 10:54 pm

Literally what the fuck are you doing complaining about incest on this website of all places, let them read whatever freaky shit they’re into, ong this post is equivalent of having a mosquito buzz around your ear, delete this asap

Wanda August 15, 2024 8:53 pm

That was in 2016 but I literally saw someone ask for incest (brother x brother and father x son) recs LAST WEEK. And ppl gave recs too

ZAA August 15, 2024 8:46 pm


seabi August 15, 2024 8:41 pm

NO BUT WHY ARE YOU EVEN SURPRISED i’m always arguing w mggoers those kinda ppl are disgusting.. and em rec incest is like the most « normal » mangas they read, bc i ain’t even gon talk about those who enjoy rape and cp……. IF ONLY YOU KNEW and + they’re all old ppl

TheSuperBunny August 16, 2024 6:31 am


Tinfoil August 15, 2024 7:45 pm

I gave up on mgg users being normal and not liking obviously illegal shit when I saw someone respond to a favourite ship question with toji x megumi..
I don't even have the energy to complain anymore

Wooloo August 15, 2024 7:43 pm

2016 was the Wild West.. of Alabama

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 15, 2024 7:19 pm

agree w Elle here

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 7:43 pm

Thanks. Idk how my take seems so crazy to some people here like damn this is so harmless. People need to chill a bit, this is not someone saying incest should be legal or whatever, then I'd get this reaction

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 15, 2024 7:54 pm
Thanks. Idk how my take seems so crazy to some people here like damn this is so harmless. People need to chill a bit, this is not someone saying incest should be legal or whatever, then I'd get this reaction Elle ne parle pas francais

yeah np, though i kinda disagree w you on the "fiction can't be separated" debate, i'll absolutely go w your take on this, cuz bruh ppl can literally read wtv they want, who are we to judge

seabi August 15, 2024 8:43 pm
yeah np, though i kinda disagree w you on the "fiction can't be separated" debate, i'll absolutely go w your take on this, cuz bruh ppl can literally read wtv they want, who are we to judge Lazy_Potato ඞ

then read cp girl !!! who are we to judge ! enjoy child porn then right disguting ahh fags

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 8:47 pm
then read cp girl !!! who are we to judge ! enjoy child porn then right disguting ahh fags seabi

Wtf are you pulling out cp like when was that implied

seabi August 15, 2024 8:50 pm
Wtf are you pulling out cp like when was that implied Elle ne parle pas francais

omg.. opp said « who are we to judge read wtv you want » so if we see it that way then go on and read cp since « who are we to judge » all i wanna say is reading all that kinda thing ( incest, rape dubcon also, incest cp etc) is genuinely disgusting so no we shouldn’t read « wtv we want »
and wanting to read all that shit is weird in the first place

bishounensupremacy August 15, 2024 9:04 pm
omg.. opp said « who are we to judge read wtv you want » so if we see it that way then go on and read cp since « who are we to judge » all i wanna say is reading all that kinda thing ( incest, rape dubc... seabi

why are we putting violating someone's body without their consent and incest in the same category. csa cant be consensual, incest can. its normal to be disgusted by it but canceling a random internet person from 6 yrs ago jusr bc they asked for recs is crazy

seabi August 15, 2024 9:07 pm
why are we putting violating someone's body without their consent and incest in the same category. csa cant be consensual, incest can. its normal to be disgusted by it but canceling a random internet person fro... bishounensupremacy

umm incest is also disgusting im sorry but i don’t care if its consensual or not it’s still an horrible thing to read. and most of the time irl it is Not consensual. you can ask rec for wtv you wanna read but at least have some shame brother this is not something w a sane mind is supposed to read

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 9:21 pm
why are we putting violating someone's body without their consent and incest in the same category. csa cant be consensual, incest can. its normal to be disgusted by it but canceling a random internet person fro... bishounensupremacy


Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 9:34 pm
umm incest is also disgusting im sorry but i don’t care if its consensual or not it’s still an horrible thing to read. and most of the time irl it is Not consensual. you can ask rec for wtv you wanna read b... seabi

Yeah but you aren't even confronting the person here at all. Because this post is 8 years old and because the person was not addressed.
How can you ask shame of a person who cannot answer? To me that just seems unnecessary. Just FYI I don't even think "read wtv who are we to judge" bc I very much am going to judge an incest enjoyer. But seeing a random person completely out of context asking for recs just is.... not that. You have no idea why they were asking for those recs and frankly as disgusting as incest is, I don't know why you would infringe on someone's personal fetish circle. Like there's people out there with piss kinks and all that stuff and it's eww but I just don't engage with it.
Also shame how??? "I know it's so disgusting but give me incest recs"?
And yeah, what if that person is not sane? And that's why they read incest?

I'll judge them for liking piss because eww but like as long as they don't pretend it's a cool thing what does it have to do with me????
And if it's disgusting to read to you DO NOT READ IT.
I am baffled that I'm saying this because I spend half of my time on mangago arguing with people that they are reading and glorifying all sorts of nasty things but here I am.
But I think it's wrong to mock people who are not hurting anybody in any way or even saying anything offensive. This is different from people defending incest. There's so many disgusting posts and comments on here and idk why op chose this bc it's literally just a person asking for a rec.
Show me the people cheering for minor x teacher ships of shows like jjk and I'll be yapping with you but this person didn't do anything like that.

seabi August 15, 2024 10:16 pm
Yeah but you aren't even confronting the person here at all. Because this post is 8 years old and because the person was not addressed. How can you ask shame of a person who cannot answer? To me that just seems... Elle ne parle pas francais

it’s your pov i guess. ofc i wouldn’t read any of those things but incest is disgusting and asking for recs is more disgusting. and tbh i’m more concerned about the person above who said «we can read wtv we want » than the person from 8 years ago wanting to read incest. i don’t really care about the incest enjoyer person since it was years ago and i can’t talk to em, but i genuinely care about this one person who thinks it’s okay to read ANYTHING. and idc even if the incest enjoyer only wanted recs i just think it’s weird af like why the hell would you read something like that ????? but anyways, it was years ago so maybe they’ve changed.

seabi August 15, 2024 10:18 pm
Yeah but you aren't even confronting the person here at all. Because this post is 8 years old and because the person was not addressed. How can you ask shame of a person who cannot answer? To me that just seems... Elle ne parle pas francais

and imo if they read it, they enjoy it, so they support it, so they’re actually wrong and doing something bad. it’s like yk the ppl who read every rape to love story, well they certainly enjoy it bc if they didn’t they wouldn’t read any of this. i mean, it’s my pov but i’m not going to argue w ppl here js that they shouldn’t say we can read wtv we want cuz that’s dangerous

seabi August 15, 2024 10:22 pm
Yeah but you aren't even confronting the person here at all. Because this post is 8 years old and because the person was not addressed. How can you ask shame of a person who cannot answer? To me that just seems... Elle ne parle pas francais

WAIT I HAVE A QUESTION THO. i just read your bio and wdym sexism towards men…?

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 10:52 pm
WAIT I HAVE A QUESTION THO. i just read your bio and wdym sexism towards men…? seabi

Ok so first i agree with u that reading things like cp is not okay at all.
But in general it just isn't as simple as "if you read it you enjoy it". Like don't tell me you have never read a story with problematic content.
I read things like super lovers and sekaiichi hatsukoi because i want to see how it ends and there are parts i enjoy but the first is super gross grooming and pedophilia and i do not enjoy that part at all. I'm reading those mostly for nostalgia, yk? Obv if people ask for that stuff they want it explicitly but you still don't know the reasons. From what I've heard SA victims sometimes consume SA content to deal with their trauma. I can't speak on that personally but I would feel rude to call those people disgusting.
For me it's much more about the attitude the reader has. Do they romanticize and defend those things? Then it's a problem.

Regarding sexism towards men, phew, it's been long since I've written the bio and I'm a bit out of the topic but basically I am obviously against the patriarchy. The patriarchy hurts all genders albeit in different ways and intensities. Feminism only has a chance if it tackles the effects of patriarchy on everyone.
E.g. the expections that are put on men hurt women directly.
And as a human being i can emphasize with men who are fellow human beings. Men are expected to be hypersexual, loud and rash. That sucks. Men's feelings are often invalidated. That sucks. Etc etc.
I hope I could answer your question a bit, feel free to ask me more about it, you can also dm me so we don't have to do this in this unrelated comment section ahaha.

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 16, 2024 1:20 am
then read cp girl !!! who are we to judge ! enjoy child porn then right disguting ahh fags seabi

i legit don't know how my comment got interpreted this way but i'm sorry if it offended you. i am not an advocate for shit like these and i don't think it's ok as well, i myself find it disgusting and i also have to admit i'm going back on my words here by being judgmental but Elle is right, ultimately i am going to judge somebody who likes forbidden crap. what i'm actually trying to imply here is that ppl have the right to read wtv they want, it's their choice- what i do is choose to ignore than start a fight by condemning them. i'm really sorry once more if this offends you again, i'm not bashing you or anything and i'll also admit that w/o ppl like you...we'd have more weirdos being vocal abt shit like this

seabi August 16, 2024 3:11 am
Ok so first i agree with u that reading things like cp is not okay at all.But in general it just isn't as simple as "if you read it you enjoy it". Like don't tell me you have never read a story with problematic... Elle ne parle pas francais

right okay thanks

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 7:16 pm

As an incest detester I don't see why you would take time out of your life to think about this.
Just don't engage with it. Ppl enjoy things for different reasons and acting like this person is crazy is just ruining people's fun.
Incest is disgusting and people pretending it isn't are too. But stop judging people merely for consuming it

No diddy August 15, 2024 7:20 pm

"acting like this person is crazy is just ruining people's fun." And the "fun" is wanting to look at incest, Ok vro

No diddy August 15, 2024 7:22 pm

Incest irl and online are disgusting, and the people who consume it too are disgusting! Dont be shocked when someones weirded out by that

127 August 15, 2024 7:23 pm

girly "fun"? as in "getting off on insect"? sure

jojo August 15, 2024 7:23 pm
"acting like this person is crazy is just ruining people's fun." And the "fun" is wanting to look at incest, Ok vro No diddy

come on people really judging when you yourself ennjoy yaoi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

No diddy August 15, 2024 7:25 pm
come on people really judging when you yourself ennjoy yaoi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ jojo

Yaoi wasnt the topic, incest was. Also I dont know why ur making it about me shifting the blame for whatever reason LMAO

jojo August 15, 2024 7:41 pm
come on people really judging when you yourself ennjoy yaoi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ jojo

i mean both are wrong ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ should we start shaming people for reading yaoi next, honestly most of the users come for the 18+ mangas.

Elle ne parle pas francais August 15, 2024 7:47 pm
girly "fun"? as in "getting off on insect"? sure 127

I'm not saying it's cool, I'm saying that you don't know why this person wants to read it. Hate on incest all you want, I will do it with you but this is a bit over the top

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 15, 2024 7:51 pm

this is to @no diddy cuz for some reason i can't reply directly to them:

idk let ppl read wtv the fuck they want??? now i'm not an advocate for incest cuz i genuinely think it's gross for that matter, it gives me the ick and i don't really wanna associate w it in any form but you literally can just ignore them and not interact. you're on an illegal website which pirates content, creators put their blood, sweat and tears to make- reading their hard work for free. stop thinking you're morally better than the other ppl when you clearly aren't

jojo August 15, 2024 8:03 pm
this is to @no diddy cuz for some reason i can't reply directly to them: idk let ppl read wtv the fuck they want??? now i'm not an advocate for incest cuz i genuinely think it's gross for that matter, it gives ... Lazy_Potato ඞ

they probably blocked you

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 15, 2024 8:06 pm
they probably blocked you jojo

LMAO i had a feeling, it's kinda weird cuz it's the first time i'm blocked by somebody

jojo August 15, 2024 8:08 pm
LMAO i had a feeling, it's kinda weird cuz it's the first time i'm blocked by somebody Lazy_Potato ඞ

welcome to the club

Lazy_Potato ඞ August 15, 2024 8:10 pm
welcome to the club jojo

TheSuperBunny August 16, 2024 6:30 am

@jojo The hell you mean "yaoi is wrong"??

Also, when tf did you manage to block me (tho I wouldn't be surprised if I argued with you in the past)

jojo August 15, 2024 7:07 pm

so now people cant ask for anything ?

seabi August 15, 2024 8:45 pm

no brother ask for decent and normal things. ask rec on yaois like a decent person and shut your mf mouth

jojo August 16, 2024 2:24 am
no brother ask for decent and normal things. ask rec on yaois like a decent person and shut your mf mouth seabi

i hate the incest trope oe whatevee i avoid it whenever i see it but also there is a reason this site is anonymous. we are all stranger that came to read sh!t. or else we wouldnt be here.

seabi August 16, 2024 3:12 am
i hate the incest trope oe whatevee i avoid it whenever i see it but also there is a reason this site is anonymous. we are all stranger that came to read sh!t. or else we wouldnt be here. jojo

it’s not shit it’s problematic ash, the only reason we are here it’s bc it’s free

jojo August 16, 2024 3:32 am
it’s not shit it’s problematic ash, the only reason we are here it’s bc it’s free seabi

yeap the same reason as everyome else

TheClassPresident August 15, 2024 7:06 pm

sanest mggo user

No diddy August 15, 2024 7:00 pm

Are we surprised even its mgo


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