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26 days
Normalize dropping stories, sometimes some of them are just not that memorable or worth it. It's ok to drop them, we don't need to call it "marinating" when we all know we'll never pick it up again or see spoilers and hate it (me with operation true love) If you don't binge it you probs don't like it that much (for most, not all)   2 reply
26 days
I fr can dedicate a couple of days to a single manga but the moment it gets updated after I finished reading it again I ain't touching it again   reply
26 days
26 days
You might take it slower for some as with time few of them get really good (I am a villain, How to Live as a Villain...) . But the majority of mangas, manhwa.... go down rather than up. So if you read about 20 chapters and the plot is not plotting as it should, ( storyline or characters) feel free to drop. I've done so with many stories I've been r......   reply
26 days
26 days
omg yes me too i feel like i read wo understanding anything it’s so annoying. + i’m a non english speaker so i need to read the manwha or webtoon about 10 times to remember the plot   reply
26 days
26 days
Sometimes I read a really popular webtoon that’s not bad. However, after waiting for an update it kind of drops off for me. Several months or years later the rating drops and I just delete it. Sometimes the rating doesn’t drop and I still delete it. But there are times I forget a really good series and I’ll just re-read it. I have really po......   reply
26 days
26 days
Just marinate it for 8 years just like me with remarried empress. loll I probably read the manhwa whenever people screaming crying why it ended so rushed or so fast 'want to see their baby' kinda comment in tiktok.   reply
26 days
Sometimes the story is only great when you read the complete version of it. It is what it is. Marinate that and reread it when it got completed   reply
26 days
I have a few friends who read and retain details very fast and for very long period of time. What you need to do is to breathe while you're reading (remember to do it while reading and sitting down). Secondly, don't sit for too long, I think it does affect your memory when you're sedentary. So take breaks from reading. Move around. Rest your ey......   reply
10 days
If it's in one sitting then it's probably that they are too similar so Personally I prefer to wait and binge read so I don't forget the plot before I reach the end since I have too many ongoing that I'm reading... some of them take so long to update that I have to reread them just to know what's going on   reply
26 days


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