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"i would rather be called a slur than be called fujoshi or fudanshini" YALL ARE SO DRAMATIC   8 reply
26 days
I'd rather be called a slur I make bad shitposts and some really bad animations, haven't posted anything in like 2-3 years I also upload the student films I make Just so you know, your question won't get removed because there's no moderation on this site   3 reply
26 days
Not a YouTuber but I got first in an international poetry recitation competition one year and the video has 44k views on the official YouTube channel. Mostly because apparently a bunch of kids are having to watch it for school? I don’t know. But anyway, I specialized in spoken word poetry, so that’s cool.   2 reply
26 days
Un yeah not a Fujoshis/Fudanshis I would rather die than be called that but anyway not a YouTuber anymore but back in like 2020/2021 I was a gacha life reaction channel and not to brag But I literally just checked rn and I have 3k subscribers   2 reply
26 days
the comments here are so real about being called a Fujoshi/Fudanshi Anyways, I'm secretly a YouTuber here - I have almost 3k subs (I'm about 100 away from 3k) and I'm hoping my channel continues to grow The type of content I post? Gacha. I'm a gachatuber I've been posting for almost 4 years - I started posting during covid because I had nothing......   1 reply
26 days
I post south park yaoi and got 641k views on a video   4 reply
26 days
Unrelated to the question itself: The internet really knows how to bastardize words. Fujoshi/Fudanshi wasn't even a word that was termed by the people who consume BL. It was something coined by a group of homophobic incel in order to demonize people who read BL. Which was used by JP BL fans to push back on the idea that consuming BL makes one "dir......   2 reply
26 days
I've thankfully grown out of my fujoshi phase, and no, I am not. But now that you mention it, I might become one in like three weeks. Or not. You'll never know. Mwahahaha.   2 reply
26 days
Unrelated but why are you getting backlash for using the words fujoshi/fudanshi why is everyone so sensitive   1 reply
26 days
I thought of making a YouTube channel talking about BL and GL, also gaming and posting my thoughts on Gacha games or free-to-play games that I played and what those games are lacking, and if they are free to play or P2W basically criticizing video games also rant about drama; but the internet is soooooooo sloooooooooow I don't think I can do that w......   1 reply
26 days


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