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Nobody is entitled to high quality translations as yall are reading for free and nobody is also entitled enough to complain about shitty translations. All of yall are stealing from the authors who barely make enough anyways. Some of yall are also donating to the damn scanlators??? Its their choice to translate and waste money nobody is forcing them......   2 reply
14 08,2024
right like at one point i saw ppl dick riding that pumpkin night translator?? the mf that was adding random slurs that werent even supposed to be there???   2 reply
14 08,2024
brother you're reading on an illegal site ? you clearly state that you don't want to spend money and get the officials i don't know why you have room to complain. knowing multiple languages isn't easy my dude, it's not like scanalating pays, be grateful. to the comments saying "they're obviously talking about the really bad ones!" they're still d......   2 reply
14 08,2024
hey girl js to let u know that you’re wrong af. maybe you’ve never translated a manga but this shit is LONG. it takes so many time of your life and you do it for free. so instead of fucking complaining do your own translation or like you said yes pay for it. even if it’s bad, there’s at least the translation, and you can still understand mo......   2 reply
14 08,2024
if you criticize the translation and were polite about it then it's fine whatever but if you "rightfully insult the fan translation" and " and suggest them to take it down" then you are a dickhead. " is it ever that deep" IT IS THAT DEEP if the translators took those down would you pick them up? would you do the job for them? or you just had to r......   reply
14 08,2024
OMG YES, like bro let me point out smth. you say anything and 20 random people start replying to your comment, like bro leave me alone. if you don't like what i said, why're you harassing me??!?!   2 reply
14 08,2024
This is a very bad opinion for illegal website. Yes you can have preferences on translation quality but you literally have no right to complain or worse insult them for not meeting your expectation. Literally none. And suggest them to take it down is such a karen move. You can easily not read it but instead you suggest shit that doesnt only affec......   reply
14 08,2024
Criticizing and insulting are two different things. One makes you reasonable while the other makes you an entitled asshole. You complain that they’re being defensive but when they complain at you, you sound defensive and don’t want to fix your own problem. Imma be honest, I’m a desperate person and if I see a small scrap or not the best tran......   reply
14 08,2024
Honestly ik myself that I shouldn't criticise MTLs but dear god don't call urself translator if u use MTL it's like using ai then calling urself an artist. ☠️   1 reply
14 08,2024
I disagree personally but I do hate when there’s like three different versions on one story with different translations. Typically one is a fan, and not the best, one is better fan or official, then official or mature, but nothing really changes except for like 2 chapters (looking at Reunion). I love having all the work, but it makes it really un......   reply
14 08,2024


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