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I don’t understand why you are so upset when I believe it to be valid criticism. People do become defensive because they appreciate the work people have put into translating. Even if it is a bad translation the majority of the people rather read that then no story at all. I don’t understand why they would have to take down their whole translati......   2 reply
27 days
yall arent understanding what op is saying, theyre obv talking ab bad translations and VALID criticism, ppl get mad when its being pointed out instead of giving criticism that would help improve it, yall dickride the mfs and got them thinking that the translations arent bad, the only acceptable way of going abt it is giving constructive criticism o......   5 reply
27 days
Ok then just don't read them? Ur broke ass is reading manga on an illegal site here and have the audacity to still expect the best, official translations lmao. Translaters are doing their best and I'm grateful for that. Almost every translation is pretty good and nobody is making u read them unwillingly. If u aren't paying for the translaters' Engl......   1 reply
27 days
You when people don't shout praises to the heavens when you complain   2 reply
27 days
People are often happy to get any translation, especially when the work has been dropped and nobody else wants to pick it up. I've seen situations where the story got dropped because so many people complained about the translation, and it either didn’t get picked up for a long time (with new translation often not being better), or got dropped. Fo......   1 reply
27 days
I need you to read this story and then, come back to me. And we’ll discuss this conversation again   5 reply
27 days
Funny enough the bad translations don’t bug me and I’ve been fortunate so far not to run into anything where the translator took it upon themselves to add their own “slang” as someone else previously said. What actually bugs me (and this is a non-issue, to which I just don’t read the series if I come across this) is when the crappy machi......   2 reply
27 days
There's no way you would actually want them to take it down if it has bad translation lmao you're the one saying "it's not that deep" and yet you're taking it deep because of some bad translations. Lalamanga is shaking in their boots right now as we speak cause you have spoked Mr. " people just don't understand criticism" talkin' bout some "rightfu......   reply
27 days
To be honest Bad translation aren’t that bad You still can read it and that’s good enough for anyone Like I know some of this motherfuckers are also probably be dickriding their own teachers and stuff but damm To dickriding a translator is another type of bullshit And yeah . We literally in an illegal website . We dont pay for shit   reply
27 days
okay man we know someone got mad at u calm down   1 reply
27 days


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