Help me....
I had this workmate whom I got close recently, we always hangout and had drinks together and then this happened... We had sex, he's my first and we did it because we are drunk. And I admit that was good cause he can last until 6 rounds is that normal? So after that we did it again I had sex with him 4x and weren't in a relationship and I know that's not good. But we keep doing it cause we both want it and we're both single but that's what I thought. Before we started that kind of relationship he says that he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore and they already broke up, but it turns out that they didn't. It really sucks, we didn't had a good conversation about that because of the quarantine and I don't know how to face him again after this. I'm so mad, I hate him but I still have feelings for him. Btw I'm already 21.
What should I do? please help me.
you need to talk, the situation can be different, he can have his issues.
if you don't know how to look at him you can write a letter and tell him everything about your feelings there, it can be easier than personal conversation.
you need to have a proper answer from him: yes or no, because you can't calm your feelings if you don't know exactly what he feels.
you need to ask him to be absolutely bold and clear and not to give you false hopes
if he doesn't give you proper answer than he is a jerk
Do NOT get involved in his drama. You don’t know their relationship, plus you have to work together, so be professional. Just tell him no more sex, and ignore him if it’s not work related
I'm not sure if I can help because I don't know you personally so I don't how you feel or what is your personality nonetheless, I want to help you. It will only an advice from my point of view.
First, I think you should have a conversation face to face with him. Tell him what is the problem for you, how you feel about it. Maybe asking him for give an explanation as to why he did lie about this relationship. (Maybe he is a nymphomaniac ? I once heard a story of my aunt, she was happy with a guy but, this guy cheated on her because he had insatiable urges of sex...that is NOT excusable, I'm just pointing out a possibility).
Then, you should tell him that you will tell her girlfriend he cheated on her (if you feel strong enough to do that). See how he reacts. Depending on his reaction you have 2 options (Well, in reality in either ways, the girlfriend should be informed about it--> either from you or him):
-Either he freaks out/lie, then I advice you to tell her girlfriend
-Either he admits then you ask of explanation --> see how you two can "possibility" work out.
However, to be honest, I think you should give up on him because he cheated on her girlfriend and I believe that you deserve respect, love and trust.
Well that's it, I hope it could help. I wish you the best <3
Stay strong anyways!
whoop his ass, and tell his gf hes a cheater
^ Yes. This is the only right answer. A cheater doesn't deserve your sympathy, his girlfriend does.
You say you don't know how to face him again... well, you don't even have to give him the time of your day. It doesn't take much to end a casual fling, especially when he clearly knows he's in the wrong. Say what you have to and move on. Good luck!