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tell gossıp [Answer]
09 08,2024
my shitty aunt, who lives in my families house, has a job that pays her well yet she doesn’t even help with rent or bills, doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook, and she leaves her trash all around the house, expecting someone else to pick up after her. she gets a new boyfriend every few months, and brings her current one inside the house when literall......   2 reply
09 08,2024
in elementary school, there were two kids, A and B. it was once said that A's mum died from cancer when she was really young, but she's young, so she didn't really understand what that meant. to make friends, her strategy was to tell everyone her mum had cancer so they'd be friends with her. B, famously at the time, told her, straight to her face,......   2 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
HoneySky 09 08,2024
My father is my biggest hater. I knew this for a long time , but I think my brain has been in denial about it for so long just to protect me. It really does hurt when someone who's supposed to love you unconditionally is actively trying to sabotage you and destroy your self esteem. Now that I've acknowledged this fact about my relationship with him......   1 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
09 08,2024
I have a girl friend that has 2 guys who like her. First guy has a sister(a year older than us) that is close with my friend so naturally they know each other. Second guy is a classmate of ours that is pretty shy but acquaintance with the first guy. Thing is, rumors of second guy liking my friend circulated and the first guy actually tried to help......   3 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
bald kurapika is god.
09 08,2024
this is a true story abt my loser ass grandfather: well before i was born my grandma(moms mom) married a man ! obv hes unfortunately my grandfather, now due to some circumstances i live with both my parents and my grandparents and my siblings. so i can tell yall its no exaggeration when i say no body in my fucking family likes my grandfather includ......   1 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
09 08,2024
My older brother tried draping me when I was 9 years old and he was 15 years old. I have 2 older brothers and I've always been very close to the one that's just a year older since we have similar interest. My oldest brother asked me why we weren't as close... bruh... u tried fcking me when I was 9 and that's why I put walls whenever u try to bond w......   3 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
WoahMama 09 08,2024
I was reunited with a childhood best friend (AH) a few months ago. Me and My Bestie and he were always together since elementary school. However, when we graduated he ghosted us and blocked us on social media. Which broke our hearts. Once in a while, we would get a random Facebook message for him to only block us again. Saying it was his wife's fau......   2 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
09 08,2024
I have a friend who was in a rs with a guy for like 7 years or so and they were talking about getting married and stuff and they had both their parents convinced too for it but a while ago the guy finds out that his dad was cheating on his mom with another woman. And it wasn’t even just a fling or something he was MARRIED to that other woman and ......   2 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
     09 08,2024
word on the street is that vegas strippers aren’t getting as much clientele and people are buying more lipstick. another tech company is going to lay off some 8-10% of their workforce. the AI bubble has burst but we’re currently in denial. but you didn’t hear that from me in the dot com space !   2 reply
09 08,2024
tell gossıp [Answer]
09 08,2024
I just found out my little brother has a girlfriend. And y'all don’t understand how baffling this is to me. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy for the guy, I love my brother…BUT I AM IN SHOCK. Never once in his life has he ever shown interest or talked about being romantically involved with someone. In fact I think up until recently he was s......   2 reply
09 08,2024


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