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As someone who's adamant on "fiction affects reality" and all of that, I've gotta play devils advocate for one. Personally I could never read a romance story endorsing incest, SA, cheating, etc etc. If I am emotionally invested in characters it ruins the story for me and if the action is glorified it's disgusting. HOWEVER in pornographic content t......   1 reply
07 08,2024
and I'm tired of rants like these , jk lol. Yeah, I honestly am not really one to judge, my advice is to just stop giving a shit. I've literally attained Nirvana (figuratively)from practicing the "Never Gonna Give A Shit" policy. As you said mgg is full of weirdos and let's be real, we're all here to read and enjoy not question and debate about ea......   reply
07 08,2024
Liking incest and rape is just weird even if it’s fictional !   reply
07 08,2024
I'm outside their house to start a fire and burn their 30 terabytes of unspeakable shit   1 reply
07 08,2024
i dont care. everyone pretending they hate it doesnt change the fact that %99 of the popular works here have a variation of those. its only a problem if you get addicted and it warps your perception of reality. i do think its gross when people brag about liking it though   1 reply
07 08,2024
I have nothing of value to say here but I find it endlessly funny when I see posts like this (not this one, but other older posts where there’s a ton of replies) & then u click on the profiles of ppl who say they hate it yet their entire reading list is full of rapey yaoi manga LMAO   reply
07 08,2024
Bitches be crazy, what can I tell you   reply
07 08,2024
You're contradicting yourself. You say that I'm only talking about x% minimal people who take it as a fetish. Then you say reading it @s a whole is concerning anyway. So basically why such a huge rant when you're not bothered by other maximum % people who actually are just reading it like a fiction?   3 reply
07 08,2024
I totally agree with you. From my perpective it's annoying that people rub it in other people's faces and/or think it's okey to really like that stuff openly and say that it's weird to NOT like it. There are a lot of young people on this platforms which makes things more concerning. When I try to explain to them that's fine to like it but shouldn't......   reply
07 08,2024
What i think about em? Nothin i dont give a fuk about what they do or likin sum things and we dont know each other. Breh its their life they dont give a fck what you say to them those xhit still stubborn about it... khahahah If ur tired of those motherfukerz just IGNORE em they didnt do anythin to ya bro wake up... lets mofo astray as they want........   reply
07 08,2024


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