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As long as you didn't bite their nape and bond with them, you're all good bro. As a fellow alpha I just pump and dump my one night stands, can't be caught responsible for some omega's kid...   1 reply
07 08,2024
i was so concerned till i realised it was a yaoi. omfg thats rape   1 reply
07 08,2024
Alpha ahhh post   reply
07 08,2024
Wow. Not very alpha of you. As a beta I gotta say that sounds like a lot of “not my problem.”   1 reply
07 08,2024
You did nothing wrong, man. As alphas we must spread our seed to as many omegas as possible, it's just our natural instincts. That omegas probably grateful you finally gave them a purpose lol.   3 reply
07 08,2024
I’ve had this same issue happen to me. I was ready to take responsibility but that damn omega ran away for no reason…Currently looking for my child so I can prepare them to take over my business.   1 reply
07 08,2024
Yay we got a   1 reply
07 08,2024
enough   1 reply
07 08,2024
So glad I'm a beta fr   reply
07 08,2024
Damn this is why i never have alpha friends, as a beta yall are sucks >:(((   reply
07 08,2024


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