unsolved mysteries that happened to you irl?
my family owned a restaurant and basically this one lady worked with and one day she randomly doesn't come
she's worked with us for TWENTY years and she never did something like this
but anyway we soon found she worked at a different restaurant and my parents respected her choice if she wanted it
six months later we find out that shes dead from an overdose.
she never took drugs but her toxic boyfriend did and she was found dead at his house
we never knew the reason to any of this
any unsolved mysteries any of you have?
A childrens toy which had no battery started playing and dancing out of no so I ran out the room when this happened and when I gathered the courage to come back the toy had no batteries. Also when I was a kid I had a bunk bed but slept on the bottom while all my toys were at the top. There was a big doll in particular which could laugh but the batt......
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05 08,2024