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hearing the "aww he was just nervous" when the interaction literally made me too paranoid to sleep for days   reply
30 07,2024
arsenic452 30 07,2024
creeps are creeps no matter how old you are but it certainly make it worse with a child. As for when you're an adult, I think distinguishing who's a nice person with a genuine interest versus who is a creep incel/manosphere hiding how disgusting they are is tricky but always trust your gut feeling. You don't have to justify rejecting someone, to t......   reply
30 07,2024
30 07,2024
yeah, i definitely don't agree with your assessment. creeps are always creeps, and all creeps are creeps. don't let yourself feel otherwise and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. call out the creeps who creep on you and the creeps who creep on others, and don't be okay with any normalization of creep behavior.   reply
30 07,2024
30 07,2024
choosing bear anytime of the day because of these creeps   reply
30 07,2024
I can't use the "I'm a minor" anymore   1 reply
31 07,2024
31 07,2024
Creepy behavior is creepy regardless of your age. Also buy pepper spray if you don’t have some already.   reply
31 07,2024


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