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I dont get into arguments on here that much tbh, but ill block people if they're arguing and they become unhinged and batshit insane. I remember a user telling someone that they hope they get raped and killed, and called them a pig, like genuinely wtf it was never that serious holy shit. And i think they were arguing about yaoi written by men for ......   1 reply
28 07,2024
Ehh i blocked all those mf trollers and impersonaters on jinx comments. Seriously how sick in the head do u have to be to do smthn like that?   5 reply
28 07,2024
i had a month long argument about whether soo won in yona of the dawn was a good king or not, we were legit writing 300 word essays day and night i feel like we couldve had our little enemies to lovers arc if the comments didnt get disabled. i miss u user whose name i dont remember   4 reply
28 07,2024
I just block people if I feel like it tbh. Sometimes I start to notice a user around bc I don't like their takes, or more commonly they're extremely toxic and instead of even engaging I just block automatically. One memorable time tho I blocked someone (on dif website) bc I hated their PFP so much. Like it literally activated my murder instincts ......   2 reply
28 07,2024
Baby i've blocked people simply because I dont like their pfp. Dont need to be in a heated argument to get my fingers going for that block button. Even then, the real problem is mgg block system sucks balls anyway. Yes they cant directly interact with me but why tf I blocking these people and we still see each other and they can still interact wi......   2 reply
28 07,2024
I don't argue with people online, I just block, unless I believe there is a genuine misunderstanding or lack of knowledge. Don't try to play tug of war with a pig, you might win, but at the end of the day you're both covered in shit and the pig likes it.   1 reply
28 07,2024
I've had multiple arguments with people after I asked them to remove spoilers. The last time I disengaged immediately and the argument went on with other people, the spoiler person went on being ridiculous af. That person seems so crazy tho, no sense in blocking. If you're interested: Under the oak tree novel spoilers!!!   4 reply
28 07,2024
One time this crazy ass bitch created multiple posts targeting me because I called her out for being transphobic. Anyway I wasn’t the only one to call her out but she really seemed to hate me specifically for some reason. And this all happened despite me blocking her ages ago.   1 reply
28 07,2024
Made a post on my old account back in 2020(?) or somewhere around the pandemic that got a lot of traction. Like 100+ people responded to it and it was such a divided reply section and I was defending myself in like 12 different threads of people calling me stupid and saying racist ass things to me. But I had nothing but time and a job was nowhere t......   2 reply
28 07,2024


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