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Please don't ask people here, this place is full of predators and weird people in the bad sense. You're a child so you're even more vulnerable to people who want to take advantage of you.   1 reply
28 07,2024
Hey girly! Ik you have nice intentions of coming here to ask for friends but I don’t think this site is appropriate as such considering the people on here! But I do hope you can make other friends else were(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
28 07,2024
There are some absolutely deplorable vile excuses for humans on here who actively engage in the forums and with other people. Please be more careful online in the future than to share all your vunerable details so quickly.   1 reply
28 07,2024
Bro no way you just revealed your age AS A MINOR and where you're from You're the reason they make internet safety lectures lol   2 reply
28 07,2024
hope this catch a predator new episode coming soon! otherwise stay safe   reply
28 07,2024
Girl have a friend in real life ur weirdo asking here   2 reply
28 07,2024
Hey word of advice this place is terrible if you're looking for friends, you can join a subfandom on twitter or somewhere instead and you'll find much more meaningful connections and please don't share information about yourself like this online   reply
28 07,2024
Bhie, don't easily share where you live online and when you start school just say u want to be friends with some people and chat! Join my discord server lol we're always looking for someone new to chat with :3   1 reply
28 07,2024
You better find friend in another places girl. Even though i'm a worst person, there's mch worse person here that is a literal ped0. which mean, totally make sense bcs this is a not legal website. and please dont EVER share your personal info on internet. wherever is it, especially in an illegal website bcs shit people who came to illegal website ......   1 reply
28 07,2024
m-might u be interested in…joining my discord server   4 reply
28 07,2024

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