The BiNi fandom. An unreasonable bunch. Yes, they look good, their songs are good and catchy, we get it. But you cannot fucking expect that 99% of the Filipino population to like your idols. We like to listen to their music, that's it. It is not an requirement to like the group/singer/s.
Can we just enjoy the songs if we like the songs? Or just ......
2 reply
For me the haters are more prominent than the fans these days. I remember reading people saying that BINI should be used to getting their privacy invaded because they're now famous, but then the airport fits were broadcasted on television and they started saying BINI were overreacting and not really famous??? I just don't get y'all's minds
Can you give some examples?? Cause i have'nt see any of the bini fans toxic behavior. gen/q
I once commented on a post from a hardcore fan saying that I "like the song too! and its super catchy. We frequently vibe and dance to it" with hearts emoji. I don't know what triggered the fan, but she proceeded to berate me saying that I am so pretentious, a fake bitch, a two face lying puta, that I am just pretending to be a fan to their idols and that BiNi does not need nor deserve me. I was like, what the hell? Do I know this person in reality or personally? Why attack me like this?
I forgot on what platform I commented it on since I browse so many platforms in a day.