So like does it? bc I was thinking of doing it in a few months or so like don't get me wrong I understand it's not going to fix all my problems or anything but I thought it might help to talk to someone about my problems and unpack all the mental abuse and trauma? ( not 100% sure if I have trauma or not another reason why I want to go to therapy) my parents caused me to have through my childhood and even now And I'm not dumb I know what my parents especially my mom did and said to me when I was a kid and even now is not healthy and normal behavior but idk why whenever I start to think about it as abuse or anything I automatically have thoughts like wow i'm so ungrateful or i'm just being overdramatic my parents do everything for me and i just basically start making excuses for them and start putting myself down it was so bad at one point i would just repeat the words it's not abuse and i'm being overdramatic in my head over and over again until i started to believe if you get what I mean and tbh this is also one of the main reasons why i want to get therapy so i can get validation from someone else that i'm not just making this all up in my head um but anyway what do you guys think?
It depends on the therapist but even if you want to switch therapists it is easier to do once you are in the system and you can get a psychiatrist more easily. reply