Gain some you lose some ig

dudebro dudebro 2024-07-26 01:39:59 About how are u guys doing in school
College sophomore here in community college planning to transfer this school year, have all As and just one A- (calc 1 fucked me over because the prof sucked- trying not to go insane from that gpa drop), also doing a lot of activities and interviews for campus journals and work-related stuff. Definitely messed me up health-wise though. Because I wanna transfer to a good school especially out-of-state, I basically became a workaholic and stressed myself out to the point I had some panic attacks on campus and developed GERD from the mass amount of stress I went through in the finals week of last semester…So, even tho I got good grades and great opportunities it’s messing me up a lot… If you want any advice feel free to ask because even tho I just entered sophomore year I’ve already experienced a shit ton! :D


Rim Myaz July 26, 2024 2:41 am

My school life? It was a disaster. First off, I wasn't an A+ student; I was average at best. I didn't put much effort into my education, and as a result, I finished grade 12 with D grades in all my subjects. I thought I could finally focus on what I truly wanted to do after high school, but reality had other plans. To cut a long story short, high school drained my energy and my passion. So, I've decided to take a break from education until I'm ready to go back.

dudebro July 26, 2024 10:56 pm

That’s valid. Some of us need breaks to figure out where to go- college isn’t a path everyone has to take. Tbh the education system is pretty fucked and it’s hard to maintain your passion in an environment where you have to focus on passing courses that don’t even interest you in order to get into higher education or even a basic job that needs a high school diploma.

I hope you can find your passion and path

dudebro's other experiences

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