What do u guys do when u have a bad day at work
Genuinely tweaking cus I recently got a new job at fast food restaurant and I’ve only been here for a week (4 shifts in total). And the boss manager was there in my shift today and bro I kid you not he yelled at me in front of all my coworkers and said all I do is disappoint my team and the business, and that I should’ve been fired instead of staying in the fast food restaurant ..
Usually I don’t let stuff like this affect me too much but today I was just super out of it and I feel super bad. I was already warned by my coworkers that the manager is scary as hell, so I tried to memorize all the ingredients and training manuals, but I couldn’t even answer one question right with the manager, so literally all that effort was wasted.
+ I was pretty slow and apparently the way I put the sauce is wrong + that I should’ve known how to use the cash register already (I do know how to use it, it’s just that I’m slow since im still getting used to where the items are in the screen + my coworkers rarely let me use the register last week). And that I should’ve known all these things by now by the first week and he kept berating me saying what the hell have I been doing last week to not know all of these things
I literally js got this job last week GIVE ME A BREAKKKK anyways I cried after the shift cus I had to thug it out the whole time cus I still had to serve customers
Anyways what do u guys do to unwind from a bad work day, not even yaoi can save me from tweaking
I pretend it never happened or accept that it happened and move on because life goes on and so do we.
23 07,2024