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A lot of stores literally can only accept and process applications online. For example, at Dollar General, people would call to ask if I could hire them or would physically come in... and I'd say "The entire hiring process is through the corporate's online system. It's not because I want it that way, it's the ONLY way. I could want to hire you ......   reply
18 07,2024
A few questions, do you live in a place where it's more common to hand in a resume? I did this once and no answer. Also it's completely normal to be ghosted by employers, most of them will. After 2 weeks of applying I'd probably assume that it's a rejection, they will rarely reply after. If you can apply online, apply to as many positions as you ......   reply
18 07,2024
Apply online, no one is doing this physically anymore   reply
18 07,2024
It's good to hand out resumes but keep in mind that most retail and chains throw it out after you leave. Apply online and call them to make sure they have your application. Keep calling until they give you a firm no.   reply
18 07,2024
wild to put this on here lol but ill still answer. Some side things to keep note of: 1. How do you present yourself? Usually if a manager is present, it is possible to have a short intro chat with them and then ask if they're hiring, then consider offering your resume. There are, of course, different methods to go about giving stores your resume......   1 reply
18 07,2024


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