Worst things a friend did or said to you
Toxic friend edition!!
- Removed my beanie in front of everyone knowing my hair was a mess
- Ignoring me for no reason (happens twice a month at least)
- Getting mad at me for no reason (she says that it's bc she has a lot on her plate but she doesn't treat our other friends like that AT ALL??? Only me)
- Telling me to shut it down when I talk about my interests even tho I listen to her every time
- Ignoring my texts but getting mad when I don't take her calls
- Tell my tea to friends we ain't even close to
- Tore one of my drawing but "it was just a joke"
- Telling me I'll go to hell bc I don't wear the hijab
- Telling me my ramadan wouldn't be accepted bc I got braids (literally yelled at me in the classroom)
- Said that I was looking for attention when I was depressed in high school
- Called me an attention whore/pick me bc I laughed all the time with our classmates
- Is very often mean, like REALLY mean to me but it's her love language and she was raised this way and i'm being too sensitive
- Said that the bday present I got her was trash when she gave me nothing
What about yall?? Share your toxic friends experience <3
I had this one friend and she would like completely isolate me from everyone else, and when I tried to talk to other people she would corner me and say shit like "if u ever try to talk to anyone else I'll abandon you and make sure no one else ever wants to be your friend." Then the next year she completely stopped talking to me because she was too ......
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16 07,2024