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Valid point but actually there's a explanation for that, some people just don't like it when the things they want to like is filled with bunch of weird people cause they don't wanna be associated with people like them or people just ruin the experience for them by completely making that series weird asf when it's innocent. Sometimes the power of we......   1 reply
15 07,2024
to be cringe is to be free   2 reply
15 07,2024
Is this about the JJK vs MHA fandom topic rn bro? Or the anime normie topic? Guys, it's not that deep, seriously. It's a story, there's millions, billions even, of stories. You don't need to care about every single person's thoughts about an anime or manga or etc. People can hate, there be haters out there. Learn. Not. To. Give. A. Shit.   2 reply
15 07,2024
Everytime someone brings up the MHA fandom an innocent child dies because istg it's been 4 years and they won't shut the fuck up about it, "I won't watch it cause the fans are weird!!!" My brother in Christ I will skin you alive gtfo And by weird they mean people shipping bkdk like alr I get you dislike it but please say literally any other critic......   2 reply
15 07,2024
I have dropped aot and jjk bcs of the fandoms ngl. The content is EVERYWHERE. They make terrible shitposts about the saddest or emotional scenes and spoil everything all the time it was so annoying bruh I'll probably read/watch them peacefully from the beginning years later.   reply
15 07,2024
Bro who gives a fuck Like why are so many people Talking about these 2 fandoms Like it ain't that deep like Yes they both have very weird fandoms end of story   reply
15 07,2024
I really don't get why they would hate on like a good work even though they know it's really good they'll still hate on it because of what's happening in the fandom like?? Cant you just separate the two things then, its either you enjoy the show and dont interact with the fandom or you enjoy it and interact with the fandom.   1 reply
15 07,2024


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