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Girl you do know that you can choose what and which show you can watch right? This isn't really a BIG problem everyone has their own opinions on what they consider "peak" or what shows that they may find enjoyable. Everybody has taste buds but not everyone will want the same flavour (In simper terms.) You just need to know how to go on with your da......   reply
14 07,2024
Isn't a little weird to say it's okay for something to not be 4D chesspiece and then complain it's NOT a 4D chesspiece? What did you think NOT 4D chesspiece was? 1. Demon Slayer isn't bad, it's just not particularly special. It's hitting 200~ chapters which is actually a pretty good length of a pure shounen manga that's well balanced. It's just no......   2 reply
14 07,2024
I don't see why this has to be a problem. There's a very simple solution, learn not to give a shit. And no one is watching anime just for the fight scenes, that would be silly and pointless. The reason everyone hypes up fight scenes is because that is usually where the animation skills stand out best. I've actually noticed an increase in media lite......   1 reply
14 07,2024
Gris 14 07,2024
Oh how I love seeing essays here that encourage discussion but here's my input; the normies you constantly see praising the animes they like for their fight scenes and flashy scenes, are only just here for the mainstream and that is not a bad thing at all. That's why they're called normies after all. It gets annoying, yes, but in every anime (e.g D......   reply
14 07,2024
The only thing I don't like about "anime normies" is when they say they are anime fans and say they're obsessed when they only watched the same 4 shounen anime, I literally dgaf about anything else Oh and when they act like they are very knowledgeable about specific stuff when their only knowledge about it is from watching one TikTok video on the......   reply
14 07,2024
From what I understood from this is that it's a you problem with all due respect for me as someone who is a hard-core anime watcher I genuinely enjoyed demon slayer and I would definitely call it peak for me demon slayer isn't about the fight scenes only the story line is pretty interesting you can see siblings bonds and we see our main character s......   reply
14 07,2024
STOP THE DEMON SLAYER SLANDER!!!! Listening to yall you'll think it's an atrocious anime but not at all?? Obviously it's not the best anime out there and some episodes are boring, but the story is attaching and the characters are great. It's fun and entertaining to watch + the artstyle and animation are peak. Charadesign is also one of the best I'v......   2 reply
14 07,2024
idk i dont think its something that you should let bother you too much. if you find people who have similar tastes as you, talk about anime with them. if you dont, then it is what it is. personally i think its cool that more people are appricating anime, even if its "basic". and if anything, more people being into anime, theres more people you ca......   reply
14 07,2024
ughhh the public's likings change over time How many times do yall have to complain abt change before accepting it in any and evry aspect??? Sure there are some ass series that people are liking nowdays but that was literally always the case If you were to see what people liked a few years ago ud b as weirded out as u r today This is literally the......   reply
15 07,2024
you do realize that people have different tastes right? those "hyped" anime you're talking about are just shounen anime which have a huge fanbase. a lot of people who watch anime and are usually considered "normies" enjoy what anime has to offer like amazing animation which usually carries shounen shows even if it might not be considered "peak writ......   reply
15 07,2024


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