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When I was in elementary school I was playing with some neighbourhood kids and I said “God doesn’t exist”. They gasped and said that I should ask god for forgiveness or he’s gonna kill me. They scared me so much I went home fell on my knees and looked at the sky asking god to please forgive me. I started praying and whatnot until high schoo......   2 reply
08 07,2024
I actually said Gay ppl were humans who just Loves a person and that They dont mean no harm and all to my fucking extreme religious family when i was like 12 and They prayed for me almost the whole night, it was so stupid   3 reply
08 07,2024
Bullied a kid cuz of how black he was.... I'm also black   reply
08 07,2024
When I was trying to describe one of my friends who was Asian to another person. I meant NO I'll intent to it all, but I pulled my eyes back thinking it will help them remember what they look like.. Instantly everybody on my bus started pointing at me and gasping while I'm scared out of mind, trying to figure out what's wrong   2 reply
08 07,2024
I got mad at a Muslim lady across the street and decided I'll put a towel on my head and sit outside yelling, like stereotypical terrorist yell, that'll show her. Kinda sad that every other adult around me just laughed and said it was cute.   3 reply
08 07,2024
Made a Christian girl cry because I said she was gonna go to hell for bullying me and that Satan was there waiting for her. Honestly? I stand by it, really shows how effective a religion built on fear is... But it was controversial as hell (lol) according to my teacher   1 reply
08 07,2024
That I don’t like bisexuals. This was do to the fact I read a specific yaoi manga as a kid(that I can’t remember the name of) where mc’ s ex lover decided to marry a women bc it was easier to be accepted in society or something (I can’t remember the exact reason why but it was similar). Anyways bc of that I was prejudice against bisexuals ......   reply
08 07,2024
I don't remember how it started, but was arguing with this girl and she was like "everyone is the same!" And I was like "everyone is different!" Then the girl got really upset and told on me to a teacher, and the teacher was like PISSED at me and she was like "EVERYONE IS THE SAME NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN" and I was so confused by that bro I was like w......   1 reply
08 07,2024
Tried to defend a classmate, that I had nothing to do with, from being scolded without evidence by saying that's he's dumb, but not malicious, in front of the class. I'm glad I have most of middle school blocked out, but what slips through the cracks keep me up at night.   reply
08 07,2024
when i was a kid i told a suicidal friend that suicide was okay and things like that i dont remember exactly but genuinely thought ending ur life wasn't a bad idea in general and now i realize that was a messed up thing to think and say   2 reply
08 07,2024


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