Lilac Lilac 2024-06-27 16:54:58 About your opinions
I really really really dont get readers who prefer mtl and shitty quality uploads over uploads with great quality. I get it, we're not paying, "beggars can't be choosers", but bruh if theres a great samaritan working their ass off to provide quality uploads, why are yall not appreciating them? instead yall complain about "double uploads" and "false updates" whenever a team takes their time working on a chapter. yall would rather d ride some soulless bots that butcher the series from hell and back than wait an additional week for an upload from heaven that actually gives the series justice. are yall dopamine receptors that fried? do you guys not have any other hobbies? have you guys every tried going outside? because trust me, a week or 3 flies by when yall are booked and busy and doing something with your lives

Then the same people will complain about "plot holes" and mischaracterise characters in the series because of how butchered the mtl is, they'll complain about how bad the plot is and how unlikeable the characters are and how the story isn't making any sense, meanwhile the main protagonists name has changed 28373828 times, theres panels cut out, the dialogue typesetting is all the same, the grammar looks likes someone translated the work on g**gle translate, put the og text in russian then ran it back through 150 languages before they ran the muck for english then copy and pasted it onto the series.

Theres a TON of work out there that haven't been translated yet, if ur truly a fan and you care about the works and the series and you truly want then to see the light of day, THEN GO PICK ONE OF THOSE. Dont snipe a teams series with your shitty work, please, lets bring back shame please


[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ June 27, 2024 5:25 pm

no one prefers mtl translations let's be fr(ive also never seen a person prefer mtls over high quality translation?) this is the first time im hearing this.. Usually people say beggars cant be chooser because the chapter they usually read is either bad or just straight up mtled.. Wont people appreciate the good quality ones more? I understand the double uploads tho (the badly translated ones that keeps on getting uploaded even tho theres better translation) Maybe their complaints are directed to the badly translated? If there is such people complaining then... um.. they need to be studied.

[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ June 27, 2024 5:29 pm

bye, i dont know if this makes sense but pls try to keep up with my english lmao

Qtpatootie June 27, 2024 5:32 pm

u would be surprised ╮(╯_╰)╭ i made this rant after seeing the comment section of "My Guildmate Next Door", the scanlation team is genuinely awesome and im afraid they're losing the drive to work on the series because of sniping, they're the most recent update and ive seen comments complaining about false updates which were made just recently, some of the comments were also just commenting about the mtled chapter thats way ahead of their upload, which is so disrespectful because they're basically saying they would rather read mtl than their work, im glad most of the comments are in support of the team tho!!

Yeni June 27, 2024 5:22 pm

I really wish there was a option to remove bot chapters then I myself would have uploaded sm official ones

Haswon June 27, 2024 5:17 pm

Ok i will repeat
Anyway, like i said, we get kinda annoyed when we receive a notification of a new chap, and then it's just the "official" translation, since most of the times, they're kinda the same.
I mean, we're poor, so we've adapted to the conditions. We dont care if a page is missing, if the plot doesnt make sense, if there's gaps in the chaps, if it's basically all screeshots, it the pages are small, or even if one page is in another language.
But im 99% with you, i do apreciate the better version. I love to read a manga again with the better version and just get better the story, and it's kinda nice to not have a hole in the characters face and the in the bubbles. So yes please, if you are posting a better version, please continue, i apreciate your work. Just like we got used to the bad version, i do get used to having our hopes up for nothing in our favorites manga
(Anyway, it's not really criticism, just poiting my view of this, loved that you bringed this up!! Btw sorry for my bad english i do try )

Haswon June 27, 2024 5:06 pm

I mean, i get what you're saying, but most of the times the "official" version is basically the same. So you are just waiting for a new chapter of a manhwa and you get a notification and then it's just the "official" version

Haswon June 27, 2024 5:08 pm

Wait i wrote a whole page, where tf is the rest of what i said now ppl will get it wrong

Qtpatootie June 27, 2024 5:11 pm

its really not (〒﹏〒) "official" translations are important especially in some series that are plot and dialogue heavy, also, while im also talking about official uploaders, im more so talking about scanlation teams that provide great fan translation that take their time in making the translation accurate and true to the og, not necessarily the "official" ones. Also this is more than a translation issue, this is also a formatting, typesetting issues as shitty uploads just use generic fonts etc. which doesn't really get the message/dialogue across

Qtpatootie June 27, 2024 5:12 pm
Wait i wrote a whole page, where tf is the rest of what i said now ppl will get it wrong Haswon

it may be because of emojis :(( i had the same problem earlier TT

Haswon June 27, 2024 5:21 pm
its really not (〒﹏〒) "official" translations are important especially in some series that are plot and dialogue heavy, also, while im also talking about official uploaders, im more so talking about scanla... Qtpatootie

Pls read the rest im 100% with u, it didnt post all omg. And i do love translation groups. Like, they genually like the manhwa, and they even post memes in the end! Oh and dont even talk about fonts, i cant even read some so i just stare at the scene wondering wtf is happening

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