sup gang 2024-06-19 09:39:55 About lose a friend
hey yall im here to yap a lil abt losing my best friend bc it was honestly the worst thing that happened to me ^_^ (also when i tell this if anyone reads this tbh id say take MY side of the story with a grain of salt bc i dont know what she thinks or how she perceived things)

basically me n this girl were besties since middle school it was a 6ish year friendship, she was my best friend like my everything. Basically a second daughter to my mom. She got a boyfriend (with my help and encouragement so i was supportive btw) yeah i had a but of jealousy bc i didnt have a bf at the time but it wasnt the end of the world, we had 3 big arguments for the first time in our friendship bc of this guy. Originally they didnt seem to click together at all. super awkward and uncomfortable and definitely didnt seem to have anything in common so she didnt even like being with him. then something switched i guess when i told her that things seem to not be working out they suddenly started getting along. good for them.

i had issues with her not communicating with me, just straight up ignoring me for her bf and i was hurt so i talked to her. this repeated for another 2 incidents and i noticed i was the only one trying to maintain the friendship then i decided that if she didnt talk to me first i wouldnt speak to her. look at us now (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

anyways this is the super abbreviated version of the story bc its too long to describe why i lost her. Basically made my life miserable bc the only friends i had blamed me for her leaving (which i left the group for a bit since i was uncomfortable being with her since everyone could feel the tension, and i had friends who were actually nice to me that i hung out with instead) they still blame me to this day which i cant really tell them not to they are entitled to their feelings but it hurts like hell.

fast foward we havent spoken in over a year, she doesnt have any one but her boyfriend now since she didnt care to maintain other friendships and her bf has his group just fine.

just wanted to get it off my chest bc i got pretty depressed rn she missed my 18th birthday cause of this and shit was hard that day. (lets hope that detail doesnt out me lol)


darknightcloud June 20, 2024 8:10 am

I had a best friend for over 7 years and I had to drop her because she was so toxic. I felt so neglected that I started to do some interesting things with some people (not drugs or alcohol, but THAT) and it ruined my life more than it was already. Now that I’ve flushed her out, it’s been pretty smooth. It’s hard getting rid of people you are friends with for so long, but I promise it’s the right decision. June 21, 2024 4:04 am

im happy you were able to get better after what she put you through. shits definitely hard but i know it was for the better. we're gonna make a comeback i promise you

darknightcloud June 22, 2024 3:01 am
im happy you were able to get better after what she put you through. shits definitely hard but i know it was for the better. we're gonna make a comeback i promise you

Randomcarrot June 19, 2024 10:03 am

babe, I understand what u must be feeling. It feels heartbreaking but its also heartbreaking when u r the only one putting effort in a relationship. I think u need a new friends group and let her go. The memories u have with her will always be a happy reminder of your childhood and slowly ull find other people and other experiences. Its be painful for a while but u r strong and ull be alright June 21, 2024 4:02 am

thanks i really had to take the rime to accept it, sometimes i do go back and get sad lol but it will always stay positive ^^ the other friends are definitely hard since there are highs and then big lows. really considered dropping them after graduation and been doing that so lets hope things go back up June 19, 2024 9:42 am

mb abt the grammar lol

lose a friend

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