Even if you can’t get pregnant or don’t want to I’d still love to hear ur opinion on this.
Let’s say the doctor told your significant other that they had to choose between the life of u or ur baby while u were giving birth. What would you rather them choose? How would you feel depending on which one they chose?
My partner will always take priority and hopefully they feel the same way.
Of course the baby is important to me as well because of the hardship either my partner or I faced during pregnancy is no joke, that will no mean that I will even think about saving my partner’s life. I’d discuss this before we try for a baby and before their surgery to...... reply
In this context, the whole point is that your significant other and you have the baby togethe. If that's not a possibility then there's no point having a baby, so the logical answer would be me but it still would have negative consquences on my physical and mental wellbeing. reply
Ik some people want the baby to survive but for me, I'd rather my husband picks me. Like, sounds selfish and all but we can still make or even adopt kids, why should I give my life to a fetus who has yet to even manage to think. reply