My cat just died and I think I'm going to kill myself

Thalia Thalia 2024-06-05 14:58:12 About question
My cat Sesame is dead. She was a stray cat and lived outdoors. She wasn't really 'my' cat, but she let me pet her and my family fed her. She is about to turn 1 year old, and she was born in my neighbor's backyard. She was from a litter of four cats, but now only two of the four cats are alive. I don't know what to do. Where to go. Who to tell. What do I do?


pigglypoof June 5, 2024 7:16 pm

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is never easy. Let yourself cry. It's ok to be a mess right now. I still cry whenever I think of my cat. When she passed away last year, I made a journal and wrote down everything I could remember about her - all her little quirks, all the memories both sweet and sad. I printed all the photos I had of her and added them in. I let myself cry for days and then put all my energy into making that journal. I think having an outlet helped a lot. If you feel like you can't talk to anyone about Sesame, maybe making something in her honor will help.

Thalia June 5, 2024 8:54 pm

I'll try to make something in memory of her. Thank you for the suggestions. <3

Pr3ttyLittl3PSYCHO June 5, 2024 3:05 pm

Breath, he is in better place now and watching you. He is with you with your memories with sun approaching on his bed. Cry all you have, love him all you need. And about babies, buy powder formula for babies and try to give the kittens, every 2 hour, and when you Finnish feeding with warm wet cloth wash their belly, and between legs so they can pee and do poopy, caus elittle cat need a stimulation from parent to let go their needs, baby formula is for some time you need to buy in vet special baby cat formula, and do it with WATER not milk from cow cause little cats can't have cow milk it's poisones them, and if you have question you can dm me


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