idc if its you or your parents but if anyone got a rich parents or urself what job do they have? Or middle class atleast im trying to see where to study or go
Idk if that's what you'd call being rich but we've definitely never had money issues in my lifetime so I'll say it works : my father works as an expert for insurances (studied industrial plumbing and became expert later on), my mother works as a technical director (studied A/C systems ; nowadays she directs asbestos removing operations). I'm in the...... reply
I knew someone with a rich dad in elementary and high school.
High School dad works at Enbridge and is a sort of manager. He handles the paths of all the trucks in a certain area and checks like idk how far they go and so on. He also handles the most efficient handling of those trucks and how to use data to map out some sort of path or something. ...... reply