People are lacking reading comprehension and media literacy these days
The amount of people who take things at face value is beyond me nowadays. It's extremely irritating to see how people don't even try to see the deeper meaning of a piece of literature/media anymore. They just scream out the first thing they think of, act upon their own biases without considering or understanding the literature/media for what it is, and overall just don't look at the bigger picture.
On a serious note, this will have a bigger impact on our society than what people may think. Our society (social, specifically.) advanced due to people starting to look at the bigger picture, thinking outside of the box and putting themselves in each other's shoes. But nowadays people take everything too literally, assume, spread fake news etc. instead of taking a step back and analyzing things first. I'm so tired of people just degrading literature/media to the level of thirst material, or just straight up hating on it because they find it weird/can't understand it (take the psychological genre for example)
TLDR: People are stupid and it annoys me
Louder for the people in the back!!!! Why is it so hard nowadays for people to comprehend basic things, this is precisely why I hate the term "it's not that deep" because yes sometimes it is but you wouldn't get that because you cannot think on a deeper level and lack basic critical thinking or any analytical thinking skills for that matter at your......
29 05,2024