(I just need advice this isn’t a vent
) So these two girls at school have been picking on me for the past like 5 months and made the whole class not want to talk to me, and I’ve been really sick of it like it’s been affecting my mental health
like for example, they literally made a story about me in class and presented it out loud in front of the whole class and it really hurt my feelings (they literally didn’t try to use another name and used my name instead) and im trying to be the bigger person by acting mature and staying silent since I’m really shy and stuff to speak out loud. I need advice on what to do since its end of the year and stuff. Love you <33

Lmao it won't help you being the 'bigger person' by just staying silent, you need proper comebacks to them without getting agitated since seeing you emotional and sad is exactly what they want.
I will Ty <3
If you are right then don't hesitate to stand your ground.
Beat they ass honestly, you got proof they being bitches confront them if they wanna fight or nah
Dude I genuinely want to but I don’t have courage
It happend to me in highschool where these 2 girls would mock me everyday, i acted as unfazed as possible as if they weren't even there even though i wanted so badly to have a mental breakdown then and there and one day when they tried to embarrass me because i didnt want to answer a question in class i snapped and turned to them and outright gave them the nastiest look i could and said "im trying to learn, can you be quiet?" And they left me alone since then. Its alright to be a little rude sometimes lol. I understand it's hard because you're shy but ever since I spoke up they got intimidated and left me alone. You should make it clear that you're not the weaker person
They know you're a shy and kind person and will take advantage of that.
TYSM <33
Hi. I was in a similar situation in middle school, bullied and shy and didn't even know I could tell an elder about it, thought I could manage it myself and that if only I acted differently I wouldn't get picked on. First of all, it's not because of you. When people do this kinda thing, they don't care who you are. They care about who you are relative to them. They pick someone and make them the 'ugly duckling' before everyone so they can demonstrate they're 'stronger", while in reality, you're not lesser. If two lines are drawn side by side, one line can get taller than the other not by becoming longer but even by erasing the other line from the top.
You can mind your own business but it should start with talking to people about it. Firstly, an adult you trust, who accepts you as you are. They'll not think badly of you.
Do not allow damage to your mind. Your peace and self-esteem are more important than you might realise. They matter.
And that's the most important bit.
You'll find how to deal with the bullies better but first, you need a safe space, a support system to secure and heal yourself and then get more equipped.
Often at that age, we let things go as they go on affecting us because we don't know that it shouldn't happen and why it's so important to cut the flow off and take measures.
We face new challenges as we go out in the world and we don't always know how we should feel about them, handle them and how we should feel about ourselves.
You should communicate with an adult or a mature comfortable person.
You can DM me. Take care.
For too many times in my younger years, I hesitated to ask for help or mention things, telling myself "It's not that bad"
Oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH <333
First do what the others say. Talk to people you trust. It can help to make you feel better if you can talk about it. They will help you. And seconde what you can do is say to the bullies "are you done?" & "do you feel better?" After they do it again and then ignore them or walk away. It alway did help me. Good luck and lots of love from me.
Since you said that, you’re really shy, and it doesn’t seem as though you’re good at standing up for yourself I think the best thing that I can tell you is don’t mistake being the bigger person as a maturity thing when it’s literally just standing up for yourself. You not interacting with them & like retaliating- don’t have that mindset. Don’t confuse that with what makes you a bigger person because I don’t want you to have that mindset and what it actually is is you being a pushover or a doormat. Since you can’t really confront them. My best advice would be to tell somebody that you trust and maybe they’d be able to help you! Overall good luck. I personally want you to beat them but I really hope that you overcome this challenge and fuck those bullies!
I understand that it might be hard for you to speak up due to being shy, but it's important to remember that you don't have to deal with this alone. If possible, I recommend talking to a trusted adult such as a teacher, counselor, or parent about what's happening. You deserve to feel safe and respected at school, and these adults can help you take appropriate steps to address the situation (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ