Bugs and stairs ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
I’m terrified of bugs, I panic if I’m in the same room as one and cry under a blanket if I’m too scared to run to my door. I get all itchy and uncomfortable if one touches me. I hate flying bugs and spiders the most.
One time I was chillin on my phone in bed and I felt a weird tickle on my arm, so I went to itch it. I felt something so I grabbed it, it was a stink bug. I threw it and slept in a different room for weeks. I hate loud noises but I’m not sure if it’s really a fear. A really random fear is stairs. My friends make fun of me for it but I’m scared of stairs. I can’t trust my friends to walk behind me and I always take forever walking up them. It’s really dumb. That includes escalators which are worse. Like freaking moving stairs.