Love Between Boys (why toxic now)
>[If we wish to change things to better and stop increase of toxic content in manga, manhwa etc. we all have to know that WE are calling for it without knowing.
Change calling our favorite genre with letters "BL" (it is the root of ancient word for heartless (BBL), mirror inversion of LBB root for the heart, and from that root is the word love)
BL (.VioLent>) letter combo is emission of darkness,
and LB or LV (>Love.) letter combo is emission of light.
Same is with colors, their names are infected (inverted) too, and their frequencies turned to bad emissions.
That's why we live in darkness and depression.
It all works on invocation principle. Our thoughts have power, they are SOUNDS OF OUR MIND. If we don't know the difference between emissions, we are emitting thoughts with bad frequencies sending message that we love awful things.
It will reflect in our reality, as we see Love Between Boys genre called by letters BL is full of .violence>
(pay attention on VL root in word .violence>!!!)
Basically, we all should change the order of letters, call the genre:
LBB -Love Between Boys, or LB (Love Boys)
LBG for Love Between Girls or LG (Love Girls)
That's good emission of our thoughts, safe. It will return to us as love we are sending away THINKING SOUNDLY.
As you see in reality what is happening with recent contents, sounds of our thoughts connected by mutual things we love is inverted in toxic content. Authors will pick up those vibes and create dark stories.
It's like:
"So, you LOVE v*olence, now take it! ("let them eat cake")
We need to stop sending wrong messages about things we love.
But we still don't have a knowledge to see DANGEROUS WORDS and letter combination. I'm starting to spread the light, giving you true info.
This is very complex matter with root planted in ancient times which is now spreading globally deeply infecting sound of our thoughts.
It's the main reason for many disasters and depressions we have.
We simply believe in reflections of real light.
And it returns to us as boomerang, hitting us with inversions of everything we would love to receive.
WORDS HAVE THE POWER and it's very important how we THINK them!
If they are reflected as in the mirror, they real meaning will be inverted too, and we have mirrored words set up to look real to us.
Words of illusions infiltrated in our reality to invert things, the "legend" of mixing languages which Tower is called BaBeL (BBL, BiBLe) word freely translated as THE VOID (instead of the heart)