I have the same name with my friend and we were in the girls restroom i was washing my face then this girl from another class says “hey (my name) goodluck on the exam” and i stopped washing my face and akwardly said “oh um goodluck to you too” she looked confused but i just continued washing my face. WHILE I WAS DRYING MY FACE I REALIZED I...... reply
lol you expect me too remember? I have done so many dumb and embarrassing things that i just automatically try to erase it from my brain and play it cool... let me say that honestly, you would probably be better off asking what i didn't do dumbly in all my years being on this Earth reply
You just made me rethink all of my life choices and i feel like jumping of a cliff rn.
OMFNSJS NOO all these embarrassing things that i've done are coming backkkk reply