Hey! I recently got back into writing and I was wondering in anyone would like to be buddies with me. We could share our work with each other and give each other constructive critism. I've also wanted to make a webcomic for a long time, so I'd be fine with someone who wants to make one as well. It would be great if we could become friends. I've got Instagram, Discord, and Line, but I prefer to use ig or Discord. If you're interested you can leave your id below or send me a private message. If a lot of people respond though I could make a discord server or group chat for all of us to participate in.
Hi guys, I actually made a discord server for people who like to write and I would like to invite more members to it cause it's pretty small right now.
Don't hesitate to join in if you're interested. ;)
https://discord.gg/YpzN8tQ 1 reply