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I know how you feel tbh Sometime I reread every single manga that I have, play every single game that I own, or go online looking for sonething fun. Sometime I even wished that something excited to happen or just magical goes to another world in reality none of my thoughts are possible so just to get out of hpmy boredom state I just start creating ......   reply
13 12,2016
Just an idea but... maybe you should try doing more stuff outside of home? I'm bored pretty often too, but I've come to realize that it's because I do nothing but go to work and study all the time. After I joined a club at my college things have been much more interesting since I've met some really interesting people and made friends with them. I'm......   reply
13 12,2016
I thought like you at one time of my life, I really wondered how it'd be like if I lost my siblings for example, but I like them so -no. But tbh: i'm sometimes so bored..... that I want natural disasters to happen. okay I deep down don't -really - want zombie invasions or apocalyptic situations to happen, but it'd be exciting, right ? So instead......   reply
08 12,2016
I hate to say it, but I know how you feel. I think the strange desire for something bad to happen may be hiding a desire for something else, maybe something about yourself you haven't realized yet or a result of dissociation and a desire to actually, properly feel again. Of course there's no guarantee that even if someone in your family died you'd......   reply
08 12,2016
I feel like that much often than I would like xD I don't go so far to desire the death of someone, but I got what you mean. Things are like... so plain... There are no mysteries to resolve, or situations to take part of, and so on. Well, honestly, there are. But maybe not the kind that passionate you. My solution? I started writing. Bc I started ......   reply
08 12,2016
This is my advice based on working with a mental health charity…. These kinds of feelings you're having (fantasies of people dying, wanting to go through a traumatic experience, saving someone's life and being a hero etc) have strong links to clinical depression and honestly it helps to get out there and do something so that you are not focusing......   reply
09 12,2016
Same. Recently a relative died and it was around 3 am when he died and everyone just woke up from their sleeps. Instead of being all sad and upset, when my mom told me about the news, I laughed, idk, I mean it's kind of exciting because something is happening. That's just how weird I am, I mean my life is so boring but if my friends try to invite m......   reply
28 12,2016
Life is boring, but constantly I'm building myself up to be an interesting person, in terms of music tastes, clothing choices, hobbies etc. One day we'll escape our imprisoners, in my case it would be my parents, I hate their strict ruling, I cant cut my hair above my chest, I cant have posters in my room because their faces will quote, 'haunt my d......   reply
28 12,2016
I'm bored to the point whenever people see me, they asked me why I look so tired or gloomy. I am so bored to the point I don't wanna live anymore. Don't get me wrong. My parents are nice, so are my friends and my siblings. I just feel like I don't belong anywhere or I don't have any purpose living in this world. I have always been doing what my pa......   reply
02 01,2017

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