lets say omegaverse was real would homophobia still exist or nah? like if men could get pregnant would there still be people against it??(like those people that argue being gay is unnatural since men can’t have kids would they find some other way to justify being homophobic..?) would religions also be affected? also would being intersex be more common..?
i honestly forgot its been long I thought it wouldn’t ngl but a manga i read had like the mc being an omega said like in his world like same sex partner was frowned on even tho it was an omegaverse shocked me sm ngl i was like what…so the ans i think would just still be yes tbh some ppl will just hate to hate even irl 1 reply
The question that you're asking is basically asking someone "do you think the rain is water?" Humanity will find any reason to hate each other any reason to feel Superior against another skin tone/ economic class/sexual preference. That's just how it is it's like yin and yang basically. 2 reply