Okay well I may want a little more than flowers. Why bdays gotta suck so hard when no one wants to celebrate ur day of birth with you??? Call me selfish but I miss having a cake and a small bundle of shiny wrapped presents and balloons and flowers at my table, surrounded by smiling people singing a cute song. Now I buy my own cake and no one gives me a single flower even though I give them flowers on their special days and holidays and even when it's not a special day.
So I get to sit here, alone, for most of the day bar a call or two and eat my sad b-day cake by myself. I won't get texts from friends since apparently I'm the only one who saves people's bdays in my calendar. A lot of my family forgot my birthday so nothing from them.
And all of this is probably gonna be met with something like "Well at least you have a cake" or "I would love to celebrate my birthday this way" so go for it!
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday cabbage panda happy birthday to you
It's sad how common this is once we grow up. I just make plans for myself now. If anyone wants to join, cool. If no one does, then at least I'm still having fun doing something I want to do. Happy birthday CabbagePanda.