Funny work situation that I thought I’d share with y’all
So this customer ordered like 20 fucking wings and I was trying the bag it up and put the sauce on it and DAVID didn’t close the sauce tube thingy properly so I went to pour it in and it just all came out at once
So now I’m freaking out and trying to fix it and like take some out and shit but it is not working so I’m like struggling and trying to call David for help
Tell me why this man is in the back of the store selling shrooms to customers
I’m freaking out trying to fix this cause I know the manager is gonna be pissed at me and hes just out here giggling living his best fucking life and doing shrooms with customers
And then he comes back and I’m like “dude wtf” and he goes “oh don’t worry I still have some left if you want one” LIKE SIR THAT IS NOT WHAT IM CONCERNED ABOUT DO YOUR JOB PLEASE?????
Anyways what are some funny work stories that y’all have?