smth wild that u copy pasted
Let's make cocaine!
(credits to owner)
1. Gather your materials.
You will need:
* 1 kilo of coca leaves
* 1 gallon of kerosene
* 1 gallon of sulfuric acid
* 1 gallon of acetone
* A large pot
* A strainer
* A glass baking dish
* A spoon
* A coffee filter
* A rubber band
2. Prepare your workspace.
Make sure you are working in a
well-ventilated area. Cover your
work surface with newspaper
or plastic.
3. Dry the coca leaves. Spread
the coca leaves out on a flat
surface and let them dry in the
sun for several days.
4. Crush the coca leaves. Once
the coca leaves are dry, crush
them into a fine powder.
5. Mix the coca leaf powder
with kerosene.
Add the coca leaf powder to
a large pot and cover it with
kerosene. Stir the mixture
until the coca leaf powder is
completely dissolved.
6. Add the sulfuric acid to the
Slowly add the sulfuric acid
to the kerosene/coca leaf
powder mixture. Stir the mixture
7. Let the mixture sit for 24
8. Filter the mixture through a
Strain the mixture through a
strainer lined with a coffee filter.
9. Evaporate the kerosene from
the filtrate.
Evaporate the kerosene from
the filtrate by heating it in a
glass baking dish in a hot water
10. Scrape the cocaine crystals
off the bottom of the baking
11. Enjoy your cocaine!