Music Hot Takes?
Pertaining to Music, what are your hot takes? whether it be artists, songs, the industry as a whole.
Obligatory I love AJR statement.
But also, I kinda hated Flowers by Miley Cyrus? And the fact that River was the unloved child had me in tears.
Vampire wasn't all that good once GUTS came out fully and I'm not obsessed with 'obsessed' either. All American bitch and BOAHG continues to solo.
(BOAHG = Ballad of a home-school girl) if you didn't know.
It's okay to like popular songs without knowing other songs of the same artist. "Oh you only listen to their popular songs blah blah blah" because it's popular?? Like you can't be coming up to me and tell me "Name 10 mitsiki songs" just because you see me listening to Washing machine heart..
6 reply
29 03,2024