Okay so i tryna draw rlly bright lighting from one side but idk it jus looks wrong to me but ive got no clue how to make it look better, so i was wonderin if yall got any advice.
Use pinterest. You can see multiple references there and don't use darker colors, try using complementary colors or something like that. If you use darker and lighter colors from your base color it'll look flat.
Lighting isnt a huge issue. Focus on understanding the structure of the human body and face first. I highly recommend you us reference pictures as guidance, helping to keep you on track and drawing correctly. Only drawing from your imagination is very difficult and can lead to a drawing that just feels wrong, because you cant find out what aspect makes it wrong. Having a reference lets you see exactly what made your drawing feel wrong.
Use references. Find a photo online of someone with a lighting that you like and is comprehensible to you. Then, you can transfer the information onto your painting.
Use pinterest. You can see multiple references there and don't use darker colors, try using complementary colors or something like that. If you use darker and lighter colors from your base color it'll look flat.
Lighting isnt a huge issue. Focus on understanding the structure of the human body and face first. I highly recommend you us reference pictures as guidance, helping to keep you on track and drawing correctly. Only drawing from your imagination is very difficult and can lead to a drawing that just feels wrong, because you cant find out what aspect makes it wrong. Having a reference lets you see exactly what made your drawing feel wrong.
Use references. Find a photo online of someone with a lighting that you like and is comprehensible to you. Then, you can transfer the information onto your painting.