People are so obsessed with toxic shitty male leads it's scary , even when the author intentionally doesn't romanticize such characters they get mad .

A fine example of this is this webtoon called a whirlwind campus affair. (Spoilers ahead
) Romance isn't the main focus of the webtoon but there were 3 possible male lead candidates. One of them was this guy.

I have to agree that he is good looking but he's such a piece of shit. The first time he met MC he judged her based on rumours that weren't true and victim blamed her. They were assigned a group project but she did most of the work herself while he completely ignored her. Later on when she threatened to not do any work and get an F he complied with her only to insult and victim blamed her again. As the series went on he started catching feelings for her so he started acting nice to her. They became friends.
Later on he tried to kiss her without her consent when she was asleep but thankfully she woke up right before anything happened. She started understanding that this guy might be into her so she started avoiding him. He thought she was playing games with him when she avoided him (because of the way he acted) while she hanged out with her other male friends. He confronted her saying that if she acted too friendly with her other male friends they will get the wrong hint . This resulted in her avoiding all her male friends and being awkward around them. After her friends assured her that there was nothing wrong with the way she acted she confronted him only for him to confess to his love to her which she immediately rejected. But he kept on pressuring her to go on a date with him. He literally stood in front of her door and would not let her get inside her home without her saying a yes to his date. She went on a date with him and then never contacted him again. After a while she started dating one of her friends, they decided to keep their relationship a secret. He saw them going to her house together and demanded an explanation and then got pissed when she admitted she was in a relationship with her friend and insulted her again by saying she has bad taste in men (for context she was getting groomed by one of her professor who she didn't know was married with kids and everyone in her college thought she slept with him knowingly to get good grades )
[TLDR : He basically is human trash who can't accept rejection and thinks FL owes him something because he decided to be friends with her]
See throughout the story the guy kept acting like a huge asshole but readers who liked him ignored everything only to complain in the end saying the author intentionally villainized him near the end when he was a bad person from the start! It honestly pisses me off because y'all are the reason authors are scared to show male leads who are actually nice and wholesome instead of a huge jerk.
Brings home the fact tho that you write what you know. Of the 6 Korean women I know, they have very few good things to say about Korean men. Romanticized MLs in kdramas are basically a fantasy. Not saying all of them are bad mind you. It's more common to find really bad eggs than good ones that's for sure.
That's just men in general imo. No country is truly better
Hard agree. The obsession with toxic male leads is becoming annoying, especially from the point of view of someone who actually had a guy like that come after me (had to ask for a fucking restraining order). As if fiction doesn't glorify them enough, even in the ones where it doesn't, ppl drool over the worst examples of human garbage.
I might be biased but I will always support the theory according to which being attractive means getting a free pass no matter how much of a piece of shit you are. But a hot piece of shit remains shit.
Honestly, if it was an ugly guy we wouldn't even be having this discussion at all.
Ducky dear, I’d love you to make this kind of posts regularly where you give an extensive review of the manga/manhwa you read
I already used to do this on my webto IG account. Guess I will shift some of them here