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Mewing [Answer]
24 03,2024
Mewing is the new way for austistics to be nonverbal and looksmaxx while at it.   1 reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
24 03,2024
I'm pretty sure most people who say they're "mewing" are doing it ironically. It's like an excuse to stay quiet, so you shouldn't feel bad for laughing because it's a joke.   1 reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
toilet terrorist
24 03,2024
Theres no sufficient evidence to say that mewing helps with your jawline instantly but it does have VERY real benefits. Im a dental student studying for my bachelors and it's said time and time again that your tongue SHOULD rest of your palate. Crowded teeth isnt just a genetic issue, it has a lot to do with tongue posture as well. When your place ......   1 reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
Aniyae 24 03,2024
I've been seeing three different definitions for mewing and I still don't understand. What exactly does it mean?   2 reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
Ahhhhhh 24 03,2024
Babe; it's probably a joke. Don't feel bad   reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
rika 24 03,2024
what does mewing mean?   1 reply
24 03,2024
Mewing [Answer]
24 03,2024
Mewing doesn’t work lmao. It only works when you’re a child and your face is still taking shape, even then you won’t turn into a different person, your jaw will just grow properly. If you’re already fit, then only thing you can do as an adult to change your face is plastic surgery   reply
24 03,2024

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