Can someone explain
How is trans real
How can genitals not determine gender but surgery can affirm it. How can someone be a he/him lesbian.
What does genderfluid mean, and is it offensive to say you’re in the female mood? I know you’re not supposed to control it but like what does it mean when you “feel masculine”.
Dylan Mulvaney’s song prompted me to ask this. I don’t take offense (as a woman) in that her lyrics depict being a woman is just about shopping and sex, and I don’t actually think thats all that dylan feels. So what do trans woman like actually feel?
I’m not denying trans people are real I just have no idea what it feels like and I’m trying not to be biased, I’m sorry if I invalidated you/your experience, there is nothing wrong with doing stereotypical female things (as mentioned in dylans song). But like how would one define a woman despite saying the obvious, the way I see it is if you’re trans you just wanna be seen as a different gender (which is the whole metric is identifying as such) Gender is a social construct so it’s not even a real thing right, it’s just how you want to be seen by society.
Also what the hell does pansexuals do. I know the meaning and as I’m typing this I assume you can still be attracted to people but I guess you don’t “fall in love” until you really get to know them (correct me if I’m wrong)
I know minimal history on transsexuals, that there is a science for it but younger trans people kinda dismiss the term. I halfway know the trans med idea: based in that gender dysphoria is in a sense a mental illness that’s “cured” by surgery. (Could be very wrong!!)
One last thing being “genderless” is something I really don’t understand. I dont necessarily feel too attached to the female gender but I don’t really question because of the XX. I’m wondering if someone could explain what that would feel like, being genderless/they/them
Ultimately I will respect people’s pronouns as in most cases (lol neo) it’s easy and using a new name is also very simple. But I still have these questions and I’m just a silly curious person on what it’s actually like not being cis.
Disclaimer: I can only talk about the binary transgender-ness, I don't have a lot of knowledge about nonbinary people.
There are scientific explanation for transgender-ness, be it brain structure that fits the gender, chemicals in the brain, and so on.
Regarding the genitals ≠ gender:
Imagine you were in a car crash and had to have your arm amp......
1 reply
17 03,2024