What do you think of anti fujoshi?
Personally, I can understand their arguments to an extent like with rape, abuse, and straightwashing. None of these things should be romanticized or celebrated in any way but some fujoshi tend to do that, which is not okay.
I can understand wanting stuff like this to be stopped, but when you go to lengths as far as forcing users to take down their own content and witch hunting people, that's when I have a problem. I haven't personally experienced it since I'm to afraid to post, but people I follow and support have. Someone I follow who doesn't even draw yaoi was forced to take down their art on tiktok because of this shit.
I have so much more to say, but this isn't even supposed to be a rant.
So how do ya'll feel about this stuff, tbh I just wish they were more informed before making some of their arguments.
I am anti fujoshi. I like yaoi but dont obsess over it or make it seep into my personal life. People who fetishize gay relationships outside of fiction and talk about yaoi all of the time around friends and family with makes them uncomfortable are the type im talking about. Some people use fujoshi in a differnt way but i think that most of the peop......
7 reply
28 04,2020
I think people are generalizing a bit too much. Fujoshis are anyone who enjoys reading or watching BL/yaoi. It's a large genre, with a large audience and therefore polarizing opinions. Most fujoshis are not toxic or obsessive- they just also enjoy reading material that portrays 2 men.
- I think it's rude and close-minded to degrade someone just be......
3 reply
28 04,2020
While I can sort of understand things from their point of view, as there are quite a few toxic fujoshi out there, people who are so offended by someone's personal preferences that they can't stand to see it are incredibly close-minded.
Personally I don't see a difference from Yaoi/Bl media from "straight" media, it's stuff portraying relationships ......
24 04,2020
fujos like to consume media portraying harmful and false stereotypes for actual living gay men and the refuse to educate themselves when people call them out for it. what they want to feed their gross delusions and fantasies that they see in bl, they think relationships of gay men are always beautiful because that's what they see being portrayed in......
1 reply
29 04,2020
From what I’ve seen and experienced I find fujoshis’ a little bit disturbing( HEAR ME OUT). I think there is a difference between people who enjoy/don’t mind reading yaoi and people who obsess over it(fujos). One of my friends was a fujoshi, I later had to cut ties with her because she was objectifying men, shipping male classmates, made boys......
1 reply
28 12,2020
If calling out fujos' and yaoi/bl's bullshit and not being nice about it makes me an "anti-fujo" then I would sincerely hope I'd be considered a hell of one.
Like, fujos are literally out here drooling all over their 2d gaybies in one breath but then call real mlm people "misogynists", "homophobic", "uneducated" about an entire genre that focuses ......
28 12,2020
WARNING: This might make you mad. Sorry in advance
I understand if you like BL, but it gets kind of annoying when that is all people ever talk about. When you (referring to fujoshis) limit your selection to only BL, because the characters are mlm, I think that's where people start to have a problem and tbh I kind of understand what they are thinkin......
28 12,2020
I personally argue a lot with anti-fujos, simply due to most of them being uneducated on BL terminology and history and most of them disguising their homophobia as "saving us from fetishisation" when in reality they're just erasing our representation. Obviously calling out fetishisation should be more common, as there is quite a lot of it, and I ge......
28 12,2020
I don't think it s bad, if we mean adults. Cuz they already ve sex.preferences, exclude yaoi. But, if it s about kids/teens - it s toxic mania.
28 12,2020
Can I typed something that across on my mind? No I mean. Let me...
I like to read some yaoi's manga, dj and some fandom Fanfiction.. I don't want to admit that I'm fujoshi but I'm one of them. It's not like I hate fujoshi but I just hate myself for being one of them. The more I read those stuff the more I'm being a sinner. I tried to restrain mys......
1 reply
28 12,2020