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Read yaoi all day. It soothes the soul.   1 reply
06 12,2016
It is going to be a very simple answer but time heals everything. It hasn't been that long considering you got out of a 6-year relationship. By next May, you will see how less you miss that person and how little you remember them. In my native language, we have a saying that, 'the person who is far away from the eye becomes far away from the heart'......   2 reply
07 12,2016
Okay this sounds odd but just go with it!!!….. - Back when I was at university I was suicidal for a long time, it was all I thought about everyday (for many longstanding reasons which thankfully I've worked through now after 10 years or so) - oddly, and here is where you have to take my word on this…'South Park' the show, yes that show lol, go......   1 reply
07 12,2016
07 12,2016
What brings you joy? Or is something special to you? Go out and do it, fill your life with things that are meaningful to you =] and build yourself up again. I don't know you but im sure that you are loved by those around you and theres so much in store for you...just go grab it =] I hope you dont feel alone, because though we're strangers you have ......   1 reply
07 12,2016
Apologies, English is not my first language. There is no difference if is same sex or straight relationship and break ups. I'm bisexual by the way. I was in relationships with both girls and guys. I feel your pain, it will get easier. You will never forget, but with time you start looking at past relationship like on something that thought you a l......   2 reply
12 12,2016
09 12,2016
I think it is a mistake to give up things that complete you for someone else's sake and you must be feeling like that also because now you don't have those things that were a part of you. You should try to rediscover yourself; I could be wrong, but it seems that you were living for her and neglecting yourself. Try to make new friends, go to places ......   1 reply
09 12,2016
This is a hard time in your life (i remember when i was heartbroken and it's suffocating). Be patient, there is no shortcut. You never know what the future holds for you c: Start working out (if you don't), it helps physically and emotionally. Generally do something that keeps you mind busy.   2 reply
12 12,2016
I agree with @Queenbanana Read yaoi until your heart content. I think the yaoi that helped me over my heartbreak was "Totally Captivated. Ewon Jung said" I know about those nights where for no reason, you can't fall asleep.... when you're left all alone, with nothing but a burning cigarette. I know about the emptiness that you can't escape. it ea......   1 reply
14 12,2016
I've never been in a same sex relationship but I have been in relationships and I have been thrown away too. Just tell yourself this is not what you are looking for in a partner. Take some time and think through the relationship, what parts were good, what was bad and what are you looking for in an ideal partner. You're only 24 so you should spend ......   1 reply
12 12,2016
*hugs you*   reply
12 12,2016

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