[DELETED] [DELETED] 2024-03-02 11:47:37 About read yaoi in public
ever ever in my life am i going to read this foul things in public T.T I know what i'm into, but it doesn't mean i'm going to introduce an innocent bystander to this sex dungeon. I've had my run-ins with this risky behavior, tho...

I had a friend in high school that loved yaoi, she's actually the one that recommended me the first ones i ever read, and this mofo would take out her laptop in the middle of the classroom and just hit play on junjou romantica (the anime) like it was no one else's fucking business. I was mortified. And yeah, ok, it's junjou romantica, but this was catholic school. No one came near us. ._.
Anyway, fast forward years later, the pandemic lockdown is just beginning and i'm back at home with my laptop just sitting in the living room, loosing my mind a little bit so, i decide to throw caution into the wind and open this hell site to see what's new even tho i'm not home alone, and i see an update for a yaoi webtoon that picked my interest; you know how it is, you take a peek, blink and suddenly you're 20 chapters the same time, i'm having a casual conversation with my mom who is in the kitchen right beside me about painting the living room so, i decide to look for color samples.

Now, i always, even when i'm alone in my room, make sure to close the window i use after i'm done reading, but this time for whatever fucking reason i decided to keep it open and just add another desktop to do my normal sane person stuff, so i had no worries when i went into the kitchen to show my mom the color palettes that i found online :3
She gets all excited and takes the laptop from my hands and tries to scroll down the color catalogue herself but...T.T....she doesn't know how to use the trackpad, and instead of scrolling down, she CHANGES FUCKING DESKTOPS and there, in all it's glory is the very graphic artsy cutesy depiction of a man ramming his huge shlock onto another man's blurred beaming asshole........Not even in my wildest dreams did i imagined getting caught like this, and i know that never in her wildest dreams my mom would imagine seeing shit like that, least on her daughters computer. We just stood there, frozen looking at the screen processing what just happened, both having an out of body experience...i just remember my mom's scared voice asking me 'what's that' T.T and me, a genius, just mumbling 'anatomic references'.....ANATOMIC REFERENCES.

You know, at least it wasn't some Titan's Brides stuff because then my excuse would've been even more worthless.


Mr. Kimchi April 12, 2024 6:40 pm

I have nightmares about this, but thankfully it never happened to me lol


read yaoi in public

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